Sunday Adult Ed.
Topic for January 12, 2025
"Goliath Must Fall"
By Louie Giglio
We begin at 8:45 Sunday mornings. Come a few minutes early to get your coffee, tea, or water.
Life Groups!
The Solid Rock Church has various "Life Groups" that meet at different times, places and methods. Click the "Bible Study Groups" under the "Upcoming Events" tab above for currently meeting group information.
Do you really believe
that what you believe
is really real?
January 9, 2025
3:30-5:00 p.m.
The Truth Project
An In-Depth Christian Worldview Experience
An In-Depth Christian Worldview Experience
A 13 week course on what is a Christian (i.e. Biblical) worldview.
This highly acclaimed course will open your eyes more as to how God, as He has revealed His truth in the Bible, desires major areas of life to be ordered and overseen.
Del Tackett, former assistant to President George H.W. Bush, leads us through these worldview "tours" with great enthusiasm, insight and knowledge about areas of life like family, marriage, government, entertainment, law and others.
Beginning Tuesday,
January 7, 2025
at 9:00-11:00 a.m.
in the
TSRC Conference Room, and...
This course is available to take online, too!
To Register, click the following link.
Biblical Citizenship In Modern America
Discover, or be reminded of, how the Founding Fathers of America set things up to run in a very Biblical way and how they perceived that to be the best system of government ever devised AND what YOUR part is in maintaining it. Quite enlightening if you haven't been exposed to this very informative material in a while!
This course is offered free of financial cost.
Call the Church office at 863-875-4825 to register. Get additional information by watching the short video below.
Experiencing God
Watch this page for more information!